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All Things Thriller

A Celebration of Thrillers, Noire and Black Comedy by Pamela Lowe Saldana

Month / June 2019

Playing Roulette with the Mob, Part III: The Bobby Fuller Four

You remember that kid? What was his name? The one from El Paso? Cocky, but quiet…Had an air about him. Not so much a strut but an attitude. You know who I’m talking about…Cute. Played the guitar. Could sing too. Sounded a lot  like Buddy Holly…Yeah! That’s who I’m talkin’ about. He played at PJ’s…Packed […]

Sicario, a Film Directed by Denis Villenevue (2015);Crime Drama

There are some police officers who become cops because they want to protect and to serve. Probably not too many, but there are a few. I’ve never, personally, known a cop like that, but I’ve heard of them. On the news. And I’ve read about them… I knew a cop, once…Well, I knew him before […]